Rabbit Interiour

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We all know that rabbits jump. That it is still common to keep them hutched up is probably because few have questioned this tradition that dates back to the 1500s. However, with today’s knowledge and opportunities there are no reasons to leave our companion animals in the same way that medieval monks kept their future meals.

The rabbits’ home is where they will live their life. This chapter will explore and emphasize why it is insufficient for a rabbit to be kept in a hutch and will provide information about alternative living conditions that include sufficient space and proper enrichment. 


Impressing cardboard ingeneering   Photo courtsey of Ann-Sofie Larsen, Denmark
Melis on their Maze Haven Photo courtsey of Marit Emilie Buseth, Norway
Reidar in the rabbits` litter bin  Photo: Marit Emilie Buseth, Norway

Fie P:Andrea Hånes

Photo: Anne-Marthe Skofterud


Rabbit Behaviour, Health and care

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